Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Curry shrimp!!! CURRY!!!

curried-shrimp OMG!!! Do you want to know what kind of shrimp I like? I like this one right here peoplez!!! Curry shrimp is some what my favorite type of shrimp..... When I went to this weird looking restaurant in Philadelphia, I thought that by the time I would step inside the restaurant, I would be poisoned. After the last two appetizers I was so sick..... But when the curry shrimp came out.... I wasn't finished yet... When that went straight down my throat.... I wasn't ravenous anymore.... It filled me to the legs. :() + :D = Super anti- ravonous!!!

Ceasars ALIVE!!!!

If you don't like Ceasar Salad... Your on mars. Ceasars Salad is one of the best creative salads in the state, the only thing that gets me crazy about this salad is the chicken, I'm the chicken lover in my family and I'm telling you Ceasar Salad is very good. I don't like any toppings on my salads but vinegar is good with this rockin salad....ENJOY!!!! :D = Super duper rockin dillyocious