Wednesday, November 30, 2011


   what happened to the terms of cookies? To others, it sounds like disgusting, fake cookies.... Pim's cookies is very disgusting, when i mean disgusting, I don't mean plain nasty. It smelled totally fine, It looked like a plain chocolate covered cookie to me..... when I smelled it, It was dark chocolate. The nasty part was very disgusting..... when I tasted it..... IT WAS FOUL!!!!! There was this jelly type stuff almost made me throw up

book and lava put together

 Sapourous, sweet, what..... did you think that I was talking about Benyays, Boclavas are so delicious, it maybe a little bitter, but It has alot flavor to it. When you put it in your mouth, it taste like jelly in a dougnut and glaze too..... :) = awsome

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hersheys Milk Chocolate had a sister???

A few days ago....This new type of chocolate bar just bounce inside the stores....Hersheys Air Delight is so sensational to me right now, I want to now why its not a world phenonmonon???? When I looked at had little tiny holes in it (thats how it got its name), but it looked the same..... When I smelled it, it actually smelled the same as the oringinal hersheys bar..... Finally.....When I put that half in my mouth..... MY TASTEBUDS WAS HAVING A ALL MELTING CHOCOLATE PARTY. I was surprised to say  that this....but Hersheys Air Delights are AWSOME!!!!!!! :) + :D = SUPER HAPPY THAT MY TASTEBUDS ARE HAVIN A PARTY

what happened to cheese and cake????

Cheesecake from Juiniors is totally extrodinary!!!! But the plain Cheesecake is kind of not so good. I think when I looked at this cheesecake, my question was, "where is the strawberry topping?" When I smelled this plain Cheesecake, it smelled more like Cream Cheese than Cheesecake, I was impressed with that observation. Now when I tasted it.....It was ok, I mean it wasn't bad or anything, but it was totally plain, I rather try it with strawberry topping....I'm telling you guys, its's totally to die for! -----> B) = super duper dillyocious...awsome
It totally looks like chicken but it isn't. I was totally surprise about the fact that pakora didn't mean chicken in Indian. The way it smelled, it smelled like the Samosa but worse, when I mean worse, I mean it tasted like puke. it smelled like this fried or boiled fish that was guttered just now. Now when I tasted it.... IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!!! It tasted like the Samosa....------> :() = super duper uncool

This is me eating this weird looking immitation of dim sum....but really....its called Samosa. When I first smelled it, it smelled reallt good, it had that veggie smell but I thought I was smelling someone elses food. As I was looking at it, it looked like the bigger version of the fortune cookie itself. Now when I tasted it.....It tasted like a crop when first handedly picked it from the feild, I new that the veggie smell was coming from  somewhere but not from this....well it was disgusting, my tastebuds were shunned by me.------> :( = super uncool

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

STOP.... and do MAC and CHEESE

Mac and Cheese... So saporous, so moist, that's what I've tasted. Mac and Cheese is made differently throughout the world, most people used the Mac and Cheese in the box, but what I've tasted was hand-made. My first taste was so scrumptious, so strong, and crunchy. My second taste was really dry, though when I put that golden yellow noodle to my nose, I knew that I was in heaven. This taste felt so similar to another Mac and Cheese, but this one was better, more heavenly. :D = super cool