Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hersheys Milk Chocolate had a sister???

A few days ago....This new type of chocolate bar just bounce inside the stores....Hersheys Air Delight is so sensational to me right now, I want to now why its not a world phenonmonon???? When I looked at had little tiny holes in it (thats how it got its name), but it looked the same..... When I smelled it, it actually smelled the same as the oringinal hersheys bar..... Finally.....When I put that half in my mouth..... MY TASTEBUDS WAS HAVING A ALL MELTING CHOCOLATE PARTY. I was surprised to say  that this....but Hersheys Air Delights are AWSOME!!!!!!! :) + :D = SUPER HAPPY THAT MY TASTEBUDS ARE HAVIN A PARTY

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